"SAKURA" Japan Womens Wine Awards

                medal logo sticker sales page

Medal sticker Sales Contact information TENPRINT Co.,Ltd.


All Items  > Double Gold Roll Sticker > Pipe size 45mmφ/right out direction > Double Gold Roll Sticker(Pipe size 45mmφ/right out direction 5,000 piece)
Double Gold Roll Sticker(Pipe size 45mmφ/right out direction 5,000 piece)
2025 Award Exclusive

※The sample images on the sales site do not indicate the year of the award,
 but the product will include the year of the award.

Item NumberDG_R45_5
Item NameDouble Gold Roll Sticker(Pipe size 45mmφ/right out direction 5,000 piece)
Sticker shapeRoll Sticker (5000 piece wound per piece)
Item Size32mmφ
Note: About the year of awardThe sample images on the sales site do not indicate the year of the award, but the product will include the year of the award.
Price in Japan65,000 YEN (Consumption tax,Shipping fee included) 
※Shipped by Yamato Transport
Price Outside Japan65,000 YEN (Shipping fee included) ※Shipped by DHL
Local duties, consumption taxes, customs fees, etc. will be borne by the buyer.

There are two types of roll sticker winding directions: left out direction and right out direction.
 Please be careful about purchase mistakes.

*The roll sticker shape, please identify this

*Price in Japan and Price Outside Japan products are the same.
 The selling price is different because the shipping fee is different between Price in Japan and Price
 Outside Japan.

Product shipping date and time
Sheet sticker: Shipped within 3 days after payment
Roll sticker: Ships in about 14 days after starting production after payment